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在它的核心, the design approach to any contemporary laboratory needs to address the paradigm that science is a fluid, 不断变化的过程.


同时,满足初始用户需求是至关重要的, 必须规划新的设施来容纳和驾驭多个学科, 项目, 建筑生命周期内的技术和资金变化. 多功能性对于最大化投资回报至关重要.

Laboratory planners and informed clients understand a modular and ‘plug ‘n’ play’ approach is fundamental to the delivery of a flexible laboratory space.


我们一直在帮助客户加速设计, construction and qualification of their most complex life sciences facilities for over 50 years.

Our experience in facility design has allowed us to establish that the basic building block for laboratory planners is a simple laboratory module.

模块可以从3开始.3m x 3.3m to meet minimum stipulated clearance requirements for aisle widths and primary safety devices such as fume cupboards and biosafety cabinets.

我们已经看到了向3的明显和渐进的转变.6m x 3.6m laboratory module as bench widths get wider to accommodate a greater variety of scientific equipment.

We know that the use of a laboratory planning module is essential to unlock laboratory flexibility.

But what else can be done to foster adaptability and longevity for a laboratory environment?

的演变 灵活的实验室环境:现实生活中的例子


Here’s an image taken from a project in 2008 where we used a fixed reagent dropper system.

Pradeep Paramasivam使用固定的试剂滴管系统

Wojciech Pluta拍摄

当时, this was considered a state-of-the-art system which brought the services down from the ceiling.

A key performance criterion with the installation of these fixed droppers was ironically their “rigidity”. 用螺栓和支架固定在上面楼板的软肋上, they needed to maintain sufficient stiffness to withstand the rigors of day-to-day use whilst cantilevering almost 3m.

虽然这不是一个不可逾越的壮举, this system required a substantial amount of structural steel and invasive fixing into the base building fabric to achieve this rigidity.


Fast forward over a decade and we have managed to turn this solution on its head for our clients.

Leveraging the inherent flexibility a loose bench joinery solution provides a laboratory fit out, 这个概念已经发展到现在包括一个基于细木工的滴管系统.

权力 data and gases supplies are terminated at the ceiling level in a service panel and then extended down to the dropper utilising flexible cabling and hoses.

滴管本身安装在一个细木工的脊柱上. 这些脊椎,就像旁边的松松垮垮的长椅一样,是完全可以拆卸的. 一旦删除, large floor standing equipment can be readily brought-in and plugged directly into the service panel in the ceiling.


这个系统的实施需要注意细节, 适当考虑到以下方面:

  • 吊顶的类型.
  • 天花板上服务面板的坚固性.
  • 所有元素的可清洁性——有足够的间距和可接近性.
  • 采用光滑、不透水、耐化学成分
  • 柔性导管、电缆和软管的种类.
  • 面板上服务穿透的协调.


最终这个新系统, 哪一个是基于2008年最初的概念, provides an enhanced level of versatility and flexibility for the fit out of laboratories and the reticulation of services.


1. Removes the need for additional structural steel to appropriately stiffen the fixed droppers. 这减少了材料的使用,成本,隐含碳和施工时间.

2. Reduces the length of droppers and the usage of aluminum, which comes with a high embodied carbon.

3. 完全在工厂制造,无需现场固定. 这改善了质量控制, simplifies construction sequencing and supports the reduction of the construction program.

4. 开放式实验室的场地线更清晰. This creates better visual connectivity and transparency which facilitates greater collaboration and safety.

5. 更适合现有租约的适应性再利用. With the cultural shift towards working from home and the increasing availability of commercial office space, 有一个明确的机会将一些办公空间改造成实验室. 一个松散的细木工和服务网络系统是理想的这种类型的改造.

This joinery-based system has stood up to the rigors of local standards and guidelines for Physical Containment, Biocontainment and Biosafety laboratories and has shown to perform well time and time again.

至于固定滴管系统,那是过去,现在是现在. 的演变 this solution is hugely exciting,  who knows what we’ll be using a decade from now.


灵活的实验室空间, 哪些使用了创新的解决方案,例如本文中基于细木工的系统, 设计的未来是什么.

通过消除需要进行重大翻新或建造新空间, 科学家可以更快地取得成果并开始新的研究.

We pride ourselves on supporting our clients accelerate critical re搜索 and product manufacture through advanced facility design. 我们相信为更健康的世界设计未来.